MOOC reflection

屏幕快照 2015-11-09 上午2.02.14

Well, this is my first experience of MOOC, which is lasted three weeks. Here are some reflections of it.


From storytelling to gamification, I really learn a lot from it. Although not all of them are the completely new and disruptive ideas, but there are many things I actually not noticed before. For example, some issues about digital asset, web observatory, growth hacking and so on. However, I think there is lack of detailed cases, just like the storytelling. Of course, I realize the importance of the storytelling which is mentioned on the MOOC, but how exactly to use storytelling into business is not shown, even the example of the Nation Trust just simply talks about the content but no process.


I used to think that the MOOC is just like the online lecture which is only video record, but actually, they proceed in three modes including video, article and discussion. And each video has the subtitle, which is very helpful for non-native speaker to understand, especially those uncommon words. Each lesson is not too long and simplified enough. Also, there is a review for every week, which is very helpful for us to list what we learn. So its not bad organized.


It is true that there are a lot of advantages, for example, its convenient for learners to do the course anytime anywhere though different devices. And everyone can do the course without restriction, so they bring more ideas from different contexts. Some of the comments are extraordinary to make me open my mind. But the disadvantages are obvious as well. Take discussion for example, the comments you made are easy to be overwhelmed by too many that made by other participants. So most of the comments never get any reply.

Besides, the engagement of teacher is also not enough. If it is said that teachers have no responsibility to spend much time for the free MOOC, what about us? The serious problem is that what is the difference between us and other learners who did not pay. The discussion? The blogs? The Facebook group? To be honest, as far as I am concerned, all of these are not enough for MOOC.

Comparing to the relatively fixed content of MOOC, it is more flexible that teacher can do some adjustment according to students’ reaction in the traditional class. By the way, the face to face study in classroom create a more interactive environment while doing MOOC at home alone is very easy to be distracted. That’s why I prefer the traditional one.

In summarize, for those life-long learners especially who have already graduated from school, MOOC is a kind of wonderful supplement, but it maybe not well designed enough for those full time students.

2 thoughts on “MOOC reflection

  1. prinkpraewa 2015-11-16 / 06:36

    As MOOC is required a high self motivation and discipline to complete the program. Why don’t you think another way round by turning the drawback to be an opportunity for you to enhance and improve your discipline. In order to survive in this high competition in the workforce, you need to be proactive and I personal believe that this is the skill that most of employer looking for.


    • Edward 2015-11-16 / 08:23

      Thank you for your comments, Ling. But actually I think you misunderstood my words. What I said about teachers’ engagement is not enough is not to ask them to supervise our study. I just think that they should be prior to join in our discussion about some problems in the MOOC.


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